Finding Life’s Purpose While feeling Lost

If life offered a refresh button at a moment when you hit your lowest low, what would that mean to you. To feel barren, you are almost broken, as emptiness envelopes your very existence; the state of containing nothing. How do you find purpose, better where do you get purpose. a fountain of life to fill and captivate the void that is at the brim of your soul. They say getting lost is supposed to help you find yourself. This is the greatest thing of life they say.But what about being lost when you had nothing to begin with. That is scary, especially living in a world where society says having a title and or a position defines you knowing and or serving your life’s purpose. After all, something obviously has to be wrong with you if you haven’t a clue how you will contribute to society. Or find what’s missing in Christ!! He is here to fill your soul, give you life and tell you his will for this world. Afterall, it is your creator who blessed you to be apart of this earth. Everyday, every moment is a gift they say. But what then if even after pressing eyes shut ever so tight in fervent prayer for  direction provides no answer? And what if the journey of being lost never offers the opportunity to ever be found? Well change perspective right, because to see is to believe, and not to see is what? There are never ending shifts of this world and experiences rattle bones a frantic shake that promises to leave emptiness. Being stripped to the core as most of us at some point will experience leaves this never depth of nothingness. The thing we must remember whilst on the journey this never ending whirlwind lost of an abyss is to continue of course. Despite the barren barracks that are dry with nothing left, continue anyway. The hope is that on the journey while aimlessly wandering, someone, something, or somewhere shall, can, and will ignite the flame that subsided to a fade. This is indeed the initiation of the reset. The rest my friends, really is up to you and what you want to do.

Lost and Aimlessly Looking for the Flaming Reset Button

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